NOTICE OF PARTICIPATION: non-reimbursable funding 2022
In accordance with the provisions of Law no. 350/2005 regarding the regime of non-reimbursable financing from public funds allocated for non-profit activities of general interest, with subsequent amendments and additions, the General Secretariat of the Government - Department for Inter-Ethnic Relations, as the financing authority acting at the central level, assigns financing contracts in with a view to carrying out inter-ethnic projects, promoting cultural, linguistic, religious identity and the rights of citizens belonging to national minorities and combating intolerance in 2022. The funds from which these projects are financed are provided for in Government Decision no. 384/2022 for the approval of the method of distribution and use of the sums provided for in letter a) and b) from annex no. 3/13/02a to the budget of the General Secretariat of the Government for the year 2022, approved by the State Budget Law for the year 2021 no. 317 /2021.
The own annual program for granting non-reimbursable financing in 2022, in which a selection session is mentioned, is published in the Official Gazette of Romania, no. 79 of April 26, 2022, Part VI.
The deadline for submitting proposals for inter-ethnic projects, promoting cultural, linguistic, religious identity and the rights of citizens belonging to national minorities and combating intolerance is September 1, 2022, for projects whose implementation period begins after October 14, 2022.
The documentation of each project is sent individually, in a single original copy, in a closed envelope, only by postal services, to the headquarters of the Department for Interethnic Relations in Bucharest, street Paris no. 65, sector 1, postal code 011815. The name and address of the applicant must be specified on the envelope, as well as the mention "For the 2022 project competition, September session". The deadline of September 1, 2022 represents the date of postal services.
For the September 2022 selection session, the Evaluation and Selection Committee will meet until September 30, 2022.
The Department for Interethnic Relations will exclude applicants who are in any of the situations provided for in art. 21 para. (1) from Law no. 350/2005 regarding the regime of non-refundable financing from public funds allocated for non-profit activities of general interest, with subsequent amendments and additions.
The amount requested from DRI for the project must fall between a minimum of 25,000 lei and a maximum of 200,000 lei.
Any eligible applicant can submit a maximum of two inter-ethnic project proposals, promoting cultural, linguistic, religious identity and the rights of citizens belonging to national minorities and combating intolerance.
The award criteria that will make it possible to evaluate and select proposals for inter-ethnic projects, to promote cultural, linguistic, religious identity and the rights of citizens belonging to national minorities, as well as to combat intolerance and the award of the non-reimbursable financing contract are provided in the Financing Guide of inter-ethnic projects, promoting cultural, linguistic, religious identity and the rights of citizens belonging to national minorities and projects to combat intolerance available here https://dri.gov.ro/w/ghid-de-finantare/
The evaluation and selection criteria provided in the Funding Guide constitute the criteria on the basis of which the non-reimbursable financing contract will be awarded. Projects that score a minimum of 70 points out of a possible 100 qualify for non-refundable funding. Depending on the funds intended for non-reimbursable financing, the qualified projects benefit from non-reimbursable financing, in the order of the score obtained.
The documentation for the elaboration and presentation of proposals for inter-ethnic projects, promoting cultural, linguistic, religious identity and the rights of citizens belonging to national minorities and combating intolerance can be accessed on the first page of the website of the Department for Inter-Ethnic Relations, www.dri.gov.ro.
1 Comment
I would like to participate for a project related to afterschool, meditation, etc., something like that.
What is the maximum amount I can take and how much should I contribute.
Does the non-refundable amount also include the payment of teaching staff, space rent, etc.?