The Ministry of European Funds, through the National Contact Point for Roma, is starting the second series of thematic workshops related to the 8 development regions of the country, between October 5 and 30, 2020.

The workshops are organized within the project "National Platform of Good Practices for Roma", JUST/2015/RDIS/AG/NRP2/8727, co-financed by the European Commission - Directorate General Justice and Consumers through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program 2014-2020.

The second series of workshops aims to:

  • Presentation of case studies of positive or failed practices, identified during the first series of workshops and subsequently elaborated by the participants;
  • Identification of intervention models adapted to the specific needs of the four fields of activity: education, health, housing, employment;
  • The exchange of experiences at the local, regional and national level with the aim of promoting examples of good practice and possible solutions for solving the problems faced by communities with a Roma population. At the same time, the results of the workshops will serve to underpin public policies whose main objective is to develop and improve the situation of the Roma both at the community level and at the level of the entire country;
  • Facilitating communication and cooperation between the interested factors (public authorities, NGOs, members of Roma communities and any person willing to be involved in this sphere of activity) regarding the implementation of public policies in the field of Roma inclusion, as well as the foundation of the future National Strategy of Roma Inclusion (SNIR) for the period 2021-2027.

In this series of thematic workshops, participant interaction will be supported in an environment with visibility and openness to community development through the use of The communication platform, as well as by making field visits made within each development region of the country.

Interaction through the Platform is possible only after registration within it by accessing the link:


  • Declaration of the Roma

    Why do so many Roma hide their ethnic identity?
    In the SO commune, 219 people are declared, but their total is 335; the difference of 116 persons representing the undeclared persons of Rroma ethnicity.
    How can we help them to declare themselves Roma? In the absence of a long-term government program that includes, first of all, education and health and continues with the promotion of culture, crafts, civic involvement, the Roma will continue to be a tolerated population.

  • Case Study

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This publication has been produced with the financial support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Ministry of European Funds and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission

Supported by the Rights, Equality & Citizenship Program of the European Union

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