ANUNŢ DE PARTICIPARE: finanțări nerambursabile 2022

NOTICE OF PARTICIPATION: non-reimbursable funding 2022

In accordance with the provisions of Law no. 350/2005 regarding the regime of non-reimbursable financing from public funds allocated for non-profit activities of general interest, with subsequent amendments and additions, the General Secretariat of the Government - Department for Inter-Ethnic Relations, as the financing authority...

The Ministry of European Investments and Projects launches the process of setting up the Monitoring Committee for the Education and Employment Operational Program 2021-2027 (POEO) and for the Inclusion and Social Dignity Operational Program 2021-2027 (POIDS)

The Ministry of European Investments and Projects, through AM POEO and AM POIDS, launches the process of establishing the Monitoring Committee for the Operational Program Education and Employment 2021-2027 (POEO) and for the Operational Program Inclusion and Social Dignity 2021-2027 (POIDS). The Monitoring Committee will be…

Invitation to participate (direct purchase): rental of 2 cars, with financing from the "National Platform of Good Practices for Roma - stage II" project

Object of the invitation to participate (direct purchase): Rental of 2 cars, with financing from the project "National Platform of Good Practices for Roma - stage II" according to Grant Agreement number: 101008222 - ROM PLATFORM - REC-AG-2020/REC-RDIS-NRCP -AG-2020. Terms of the contract: The duration of the contract is…

This publication has been produced with the financial support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Ministry of European Funds and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission

Supported by the Rights, Equality & Citizenship Program of the European Union

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