PNCR a organizat în data de 26 februarie 2024, în format hybrid, întâlnirea dedicată consultării societății civile

PNCR organized on February 26, 2024, in hybrid format, the meeting dedicated to the consultation of civil society

The National Contact Point for Roma organized on February 26, 2024, in hybrid format, the meeting dedicated to the consultation of civil society.
On the discussion agenda were:

  • Presentation of the 2024 PNCR Plan;
  • Solutions proposed by civil society for better monitoring of the Romanian Government's Strategy for the inclusion of Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority for the period 2022-2027;
  • Establishing by mutual agreement the calendar and locations for the "Caravan of Funds" - training sessions for civil society in order to submit for financing from European funds projects dedicated to the inclusion of Roma citizens in vulnerable situations.

The next meeting will be held in April 2024, at a date that will be published later on the platform.


  • Hello,

    my name is Ioana Bucioacă and I am a social worker within the Department of social assistance, personal assistants Căiuți Commune. We are interested in funding dedicated to the Roma community because we have an important community belonging to this minority in the locality.

  • Hello,

    Funding for the Roma community is granted through the Education and Employment Program, which aims to support Roma (among other target groups targeted by the actions of the program), achievement and result indicators, as well as targets assumed by the program for the year 2029 (where the name of the indicator refers to excluding Roma quantification):

    Priority P03 – Increasing access to the labor market for all
    Provision of predefined packages of employment measures, with a view to the socio-professional integration of people from disadvantaged groups on the labor market, following the result of the profiling, including premiums and subsidies
    Financing integrated interventions in areas with labor shortages and seasonal migration

    Priority P05 – Improving children's participation in pre-school and preschool education
    Development and quality assurance of the early education system
    Diversification and flexibility of socio-educational support services
    Development of the system of initial and continuous training of teachers for early childhood education

    Priority P06 – Preventing early school leaving and increasing access and participation of disadvantaged groups in education
    Development and quality assurance of the early education system
    Tailored packages of measures to support access and participation in education
    Development and expansion of the ADȘ Program, to facilitate the completion of compulsory education by people who left school early and encourage participation in VET by expanding/diversifying training opportunities
    Interventions to increase access and participation in tertiary education, particularly for underrepresented groups
    Support measures to improve access and participation in education for children from marginalized communities, such as the Roma minority

    Priority: 8. Increasing the accessibility, attractiveness and quality of professional and technical education
    Measures to facilitate access to vocational training programs, as well as to prevent and combat early school leaving and early school leaving at the VET level
    Development of information and awareness programs for the whole community, support, counseling and parenting education, with a focus on parents of children from vulnerable groups
    Development and provision of remedial programs to support ninth grade students to increase proficiency in reading, math and science

    Priority P09 – Strengthening population participation in lifelong learning to facilitate transitions and mobility
    Encouraging participation in VET by expanding/diversifying training opportunities
    Supporting Erasmus+ transnational mobility for adult education
    Implementation of the "Basic package for people with no/low level of training" program
    Implementation of the "Keep Up" program
    Provision by employers, including employer clusters, of training programs for the career advancement of disadvantaged employees, including collaborative training
    Implementation of the "Digital skills for the labor market" program

    The situation of the priorities in PoIDS 2021-2027 that propose to support the Roma (among other target groups targeted by the actions of the program), achievement and result indicators, as well as targets assumed by the program for the year 2029 (where the name of the indicator aims exclusively at the quantification of the Roma)

    Priority P01 – Local development placed under community responsibility
    Individual social housing and the construction of new day centers or the modernization of older ones
    Achievement indicator
    Capacity of new or upgraded social assistance structures (other than housing)
    The population targeted by projects carried out within the integrated territorial development strategies

    Priority P02 – Local development placed under community responsibility – rural area
    Package of integrated actions
    Achievement indicator
    Total number of participants (Rome) – target 6177 for less developed regions and 240 for more developed regions

    Priority P03 – Protecting the right to social dignity
    Social houses
    Achievement indicator
    The population targeted by projects carried out within the integrated actions for the socio-economic inclusion of marginalized communities, low-income households and disadvantaged groups (does not have the Roma subcomponent)
    The population targeted by projects carried out within the integrated territorial development strategies (does not have the Rome subcomponent)

    Priority P04 – Supporting rural communities without or with limited access to social services
    Construction/rehabilitation/modernization/extension/equipment of integrated community centers (action 4.2 ERDF)
    Development of primary social services on the community model in rural communities (action 4.2 FSE+)

    Priority P05 – Reducing disparities between children at risk of poverty and/or social exclusion and other children
    Development of specialized services for children with behavioral disorders (action 5.1, ESF+)
    Multifunctional/sport/culture centers intended for children from isolated or disadvantaged areas to ensure their access to sports, recreational or cultural activities. (Action 5.2, ESF+)
    Supporting young people who leave/have left the special protection system (Action 5.3, ESF+)
    Community services for children and families to prevent separation (Action 5.4 FSE+)
    Support for single-parent families (Action 5.5, ESF+)
    Children with behavioral disorders (Action 5.1, ERDF)
    Multifunctional/sport/culture centers (Action 5.2, ERDF)

    Priority P06- Support services for the elderly
    Home care services for the elderly (Action 6.1)
    Support services for vulnerable elderly people affected by housing problems (Action 6.2)

    Priority P07 – Support for people with disabilities
    Employment and retention of people with disabilities in the labor market
    Development of services in the community through social services specific to adults with disabilities
    Development of psychological therapy day care services for children with disabilities
    Access of persons with disabilities to equipment, devices and assistive technologies
    Providing independent living services for people with disabilities leaving the institutionalized system
    Provision of medical rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities and war veterans with disabilities and PTSD
    Development of quality care and support services for people with disabilities and their carers, in respiro centers
    Training and ensuring APP payroll at national level and creating and developing at national level a relevant database for the APP network and specialized staff in the system
    Continuous training measures for staff working with and for people with disabilities

    Priority P08 – Social and support services provided to other vulnerable groups
    Integrated services for other categories of vulnerable groups (Action 8.2)

    Please follow the pages and to be aware of all funding opportunities for the Roma community.

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This publication has been produced with the financial support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Ministry of European Funds and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission

Supported by the Rights, Equality & Citizenship Program of the European Union

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