National Contact Point for Roma (PNCR) is responsible for coordinating national efforts to improve the situation of Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority, for involvement in the process of evaluating and monitoring the progress made in the implementation of the Romanian Government Strategy for the inclusion of Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority, for reporting them to the European Commission and formulating of proposals for adaptation and revision of the Strategy.
The National Contact Point for Roma este organizat şi funcţionează la nivel de birou în cadrul Direcției Comunicare și Cooperare Internațională.
- participates in the inter-institutional coordination for the implementation of the Strategy of the Government of Romania for the inclusion of Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy), together with the other ministries and bodies of the central and local public administration involved, as well as in ensuring the correlation between the measures ordered by other national programs of reform or other national strategies;
- ensures that the policies and measures proposed at the national level are in line with the recommendations at the European level and correlated with the Europe 2020 Strategy;
- promotes the principles of social inclusion of people of Roma ethnicity in the relationship with the other ministries and government authorities, Local Public Authorities, in the relationship with the diplomatic missions' representatives as well as in the relationship with the European Commission and the Council of Europe on this issue;
- ensures the technical secretariat of the Interministerial Strategy monitoring and evaluation committee;
- is responsible for ensuring the active participation of Roma people and representative civil society in the implementation of the Strategy;
- participates in the follow-up of the measures planned in the Strategy and the Action Plan;
- coordinates the process of updating the objectives, formulates proposals for adaptation and revision of the Strategy;
- reports to the European Commission the progress made in the implementation process of the Strategy, revisions and other changes;
- participates in the meetings of the national contact points in Europe, in the workshops and in the exchange of experience, as well as in other formats that are relevant to the national contact point;
- promotes the integration of aspects related to the inclusion of Roma people in all the programs funded by FESI and is responsible for disseminating examples of good practices in this field so that innovative approaches related to the implementation of the National Strategy for the inclusion of Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority can be developed;
- is part of the selection committee of the DLRC (Local development placed under the responsibility of the community) and of the DLRC functional working group, constituted at the MFE level;
- participates in committees, commissions and working groups, meetings with the European Commission and other relevant national and international specialized institutions to achieve the specific objectives of the department's field of activity; prepares and implements technical assistance projects for the specific fulfillment of the department's field of activity.
The PNCR aims for the policies and measures proposed at the national level to be correlated with the recommendations at the European level and with the Europe 2020 Strategy, by orienting the efforts of social inclusion of the Roma mainly towards the main areas: education, employment (employment), health, housing, non-discrimination.