Punctul Național de Contact pentru Romi a fost prezent în data de 23 februarie 2024 la Craiova în cadrul evenimentului finanțat de Uniunea Europeană, „Promovarea Antreprenoriatului Social în mediul rural”

The National Contact Point for Roma was present on February 23, 2024 in Craiova in the event financed by the European Union, "Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship in the rural environment"

The National Contact Point for Roma was present on February 23, 2024 in Craiova during the event financed by the European Union, "Promoting Social Entrepreneurship in the rural environment".

Mrs. Cecilia Văduva, deputy general secretary at the Ministry of Investments and European Projects, presented in this regional seminar the conditions for accessing funding from the Social Inclusion and Dignity Program 2021-2027.

The series of meetings during which funding opportunities dedicated to social inclusion will be presented will continue in the coming period.

1 Comment

  • good morning,
    my name is Marinel DINU, I am councilor 1A within the local expert compartment on Roma issues at the City Hall of Fărcaș commune, Dolj county, for which I inform you that I was not informed about this regional seminar, the conditions for accessing funding from Social Inclusion and Dignity Program 2021-2027, I ask you to send us an invitation to participate in the next seminar that you will organize in April, 2024, because it is beneficial to us, we are interested in being informed about social entrepreneurship in the environment rural.

    Marinel DINU – councilor 1A, UAT Fărcaș, Dolj county;
    telephone: 0786 106843, 0765 009188;
    e-mail: dinumarinel@yahoo.com / primariafarcas@yahoo.com

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This publication has been produced with the financial support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Ministry of European Funds and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission

Supported by the Rights, Equality & Citizenship Program of the European Union

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