The report of the European Commission on the evaluation of the national strategies for the Roma.
The main objectives, targets and measures included in the EU Strategic Framework for Roma and in the Council recommendation are reflected to varying degrees in national strategic frameworks for
Roma (CSNRs). For CSNRs to deliver the desired changes by 2030, strong partnerships must be developed and maintained between all relevant stakeholders to
respond effectively to country-specific challenges, to monitor progress in detail and to adjust and update CSNRs as appropriate. The Commission will continue to carry out activities at EU level to ensure full support for these activities.
The Commission invites Member States to make optimal use of the assessment, findings and guidance
Commission to improve and report on progress by June 2023 in line with the Council's recommendation. The following communication from the Commission
will assess Member States' first reports on the implementation of their national Roma strategic frameworks and their progress towards achieving
objectives for 2030.
The full report is available at: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/resource.html?uri=cellar:ece09ce3-9006-11ed-b508-01aa75ed71a1.0009.02/DOC_1&format=PDF