- MIPE launched in public consultation guidelines for three calls with a total allocation of 117 million euros, to support the integration into the labor market for vulnerable categories
The Ministry of European Investments and Projects has launched in public consultation the Applicant's Guidelines for three calls for projects financed by the Human Capital Operational Program (POCU), which are intended to support access to the labor market for certain vulnerable categories.
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The calls have the following objectives:
- supporting professional qualification for basic trades;
- the integration of vulnerable people on the labor market.
"It is not news that Romania faces great challenges on the labor market, in terms of both employment and combating poverty. We are preparing calls for projects that will represent an important source of investment in this regard. More concretely, they will help Romanians find a job, support the perpetuation of basic jobs and support the improvement of social services and labor market institutions. Particular attention is paid to youth, minorities and the rural population", Minister Marcel Boloș sent.
60 million euros earmarked for professional qualification for basic jobs
One of the calls for projects aims at "Improving the level of professional skills and increasing the degree of employment of unemployed and inactive people in correlation with the needs of the labor market”, and has a financial allocation of 60 million euros, with a maximum project value of 1 million euros.
The calendar of this call for projects was approved today, September 7, in the Government meeting. The call will be launched on September 20, applications will be submitted between September 20 and October 20, and the contracting of projects is scheduled for the period December 5-30.
The target group includes approximately 6,000 beneficiaries, unemployed and inactive people, with an emphasis on the long-term unemployed, elderly workers (55-64 years), disabled people, people with a low level of education.
Training programs take into account the needs of the labor market and aims at running training programs necessary for employers operating in one of the following economic sectors: tourism and eco-tourism, textiles and leather, wood and furniture, construction, automotive industry and components, food and beverage processing, health and pharmaceuticals, energy and environmental management, bioeconomy (agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture), biopharmaceuticals and biotechnologies.
Within these projects, activities such as professional information and counseling services, labor mediation services, professional training programs, evaluation and certification of professional skills obtained through other than formal means are eligible. Accredited providers of specialized services to stimulate employment, authorized providers of professional training, authorized centers for the assessment and certification of professional skills obtained by other than formal means, universities, chambers of commerce and industry, trade unions and employers' organizations can apply for funding , associations and foundations.
Employers who hire people from the target group can contact the territorial structures of ANOFM to benefit from the subsidies granted according to art. 85 Law 76/2002, respectively: Employers who employ, for an indefinite period, unemployed over 45 years old, unemployed who are single parents supporting single-parent families, long-term unemployed or young NEETs receive monthly, for a period of 12 months, for each employed person in these categories, an amount in the amount of 2,250 lei, with the obligation to maintain work or service relations for at least 18 months.
The applicant's guide can be consulted here — https://bit.ly/3qeSIeg
7 million euros for the integration of young people on the labor market
The main factors that contribute to maintaining high values for the unemployment rate among young people who are neither employed nor in any form of education (NEETs) are: the low level of education and training of young people at the time of transition to the labor market, the mismatch between the qualifications of young people and the skills required by employers, the still low impact of apprenticeship schemes and professional internships, the high expectations of young people from a job (salary, working environment, other benefits), the limited offer of jobs.
Another measure establishes the implementation of some "Measures for young people NEET II - Subsidizing jobs' and benefits from an allocation of 7 million euros. The projects are addressed to young NEET graduates of educational institutions, aged between 16-29 years, with domicile or residence in the North-East, North-West, West regions, registered and profiled by the Public Employment Service, with an emphasis on young people NEETs from rural areas and those belonging to the Roma minority.
This call for projects finances the following types of actions addressed to the target group provided in this Guide:
- Subsidizing jobs (granting subsidies to employers who employ young NEETs from the target group);
- Monitoring the obligations assumed by the employer and/or NEET young people in the target group, as a result of the intervention and support received.
Employers who employ, for an indefinite period, graduates of some educational institutions, receive monthly, for a period of 12 months, for each young NEET graduate, an amount in the amount specified by art. 80 of Law no. 76/2002.
Applicant Guide is available here — https://bit.ly/3TJfloO.
50 million euros for the labor market integration of vulnerable categories
The third call for projects aims "Stimulating mobility and subsidizing jobs for unemployed and inactive people, people of Roma ethnicity, people from rural areas” from less developed regions. It will finance employment measures, stimulating employers by providing financial incentives (subsidies) to create new jobs or fill existing ones with people from vulnerable groups, supporting people who find a job in another area /region to adapt to their new environment, by granting mobility (installation and recruitment) and activation premiums. Funding for this type of projects is of 50 million euros.
The target group for this project includes:
- Unemployed and inactive people, with an emphasis on the long-term unemployed, elderly workers (55-64 years old), disabled people, people with a low level of education;
- Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority;
- Rural people especially those in subsistence and semi-subsistence agriculture.
This call finances the following types of actions:
- Subsidizing jobs (granting subsidies to employers who hire people from the target group) - mandatory and relevant activity;
- Monitoring the obligations assumed by the employer and/or the people from the target group, as a result of the intervention and support received - mandatory and relevant activity.
Applicant Guide is available here — https://bit.ly/3CYcFh9