A treia ediție a festivalului Internațional de Teatru Rom Kathe Akana! x Giuvlipen. Exemplu de bune practici asociative în domeniul managementului cultural din România construind un portofoliu comun

The third edition of the Kathe Akana International Roma Theater festival! x Giuvlipen. Example of good associative practices in the field of cultural management in Romania building a common portfolio

The third edition of the Kathe Akana International Roma Theater Festival! x Giuvlipen. Example of good associative practices in the field of cultural management in Romania building a common portfolio. We Share Herstory. Third edition, September 2 – October 25, 2023, Bucharest

Kathe Akana International Roma Theater Festival! x Giuvlipen – We Share Herstory will take place in Bucharest between September 2 and October 25, 2023 and will take place at the State Jewish Theatre, the Romanian Playwrights Theater and ARTHUB Bucharest bringing together participants from Italy, Sweden, Hungary, Austria and Romania.
The novelty of the third edition of the festival is the joining of the Giuvlipen Roma Theater Company to the organizing team, We Share Herstory being the theme proposed by the feminist Roma artists Mihaela Drăgan and Zita Moldovan. Thus, the two organizations, the Association for the Promotion of Contemporary Arts and the Association of Roma Actors give an example of good associative practices in the field of cultural management in Romania by building a common portfolio.

News Source – https://www.romaniapozitiva.ro/bucuresti/a-treia-editie-a-festivalului-festivalul-international-de-teatru-rom-kathe-akana-x-giuvlipen/

Photo Credits – https://www.romaniapozitiva.ro/bucuresti/a-treia-editie-a-festivalului-festivalul-international-de-teatru-rom-kathe-akana-x-giuvlipen/

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