Agenția Națională pentru Romi lansează sesiunea de finanțare nerambursabilă de proiecte, în cadrul Programului „Romi pentru România”, pentru care se acordă finanțări nerambursabile din fonduri publice, alocate instituției de la bugetul de stat, aferent anului 2024 la capitolul ”transferuri interne”.…
For the first time in Romania, the Romanian Chamber of Commerce for Diversity is organizing the Inclusive Recruitment Conference on October 3, 2023, which brings together professionals specialized in diversity, inclusion, human resources and talent. These experts can help companies attract a group of…
In accordance with the 2021-2027 Partnership Agreement, the platform "" also has a "Financing info Monday" section through which, in collaboration with the representatives of the structure responsible for the management of PNRR, PO, the national contact points/points focal points (PNC/PF), relevant national agencies, authorities...