Expoziţia ”Romi pentru România. Personalităţi marcante ale culturii rome” – până pe 30 noiembrie, în staţiile de metrou

The exhibition "Roma for Romania". Prominent personalities of the Roma culture" - until November 30, in metro stations

"Roma personalities have contributed over time to the development of Romanian culture and society, as a whole. All we want is to promote these personalities so that they are known by the entire Romanian society", said Mihai Neacșu, director of the National Center for Roma Culture - Romano Kher.

The exhibition is part of the "Roma for Romania" campaign, which the National Agency for Roma, the National Center for Roma Culture - Romano Kher and the "Pro-Europa" Roma Party Association have been running since April 2023.

The cultural project is carried out by the National Center for Roma Culture - Romano Kher, in partnership with Metrorex and Art Safari.


Further information here – https://partidaromilor.ro/expozitia-romi-pentru-romania-personalitati-marcante-ale-culturii-rome-pana-pe-30-noiembrie-in-statiile-de-metrou/

Photo Source – https://partidaromilor.ro/expozitia-romi-pentru-romania-personalitati-marcante-ale-culturii-rome-pana-pe-30-noiembrie-in-statiile-de-metrou/

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This publication has been produced with the financial support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Ministry of European Funds and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission

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