FRDS selects 12 specialists involved in Roma inclusion projects
FRDS selects 12 specialists involved in Roma inclusion projects financed by the Local Development Program, reducing poverty and increasing Roma inclusion, to participate, in February 2023, in Norway, in a training program focused on the issue of empowering minority groups
During February 6-8, 2023, the Romanian Social Development Fund (FRDS), Operator of the Program "Local development, poverty reduction and increased inclusion of Roma" (Local development), financed by EEA & Norwegian Grants 2014-2021 and implemented in partnership with The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) and the Council of Europe (CoE) are organizing a training program in Kåfjord, Norway, which aims to develop the knowledge of the participants regarding the empowerment of minority groups.
The training program will be facilitated by experts from the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) and will use Norwegian good practices regarding the empowerment of the Sami minority and other relevant minority groups.
The event is financed through the Fund for Bilateral Relations related to the Local Development Program and is addressed to specialists directly involved in the implementation of Roma inclusion projects financed by the Local Development Program, especially those involved in Roma empowerment activities.
Members of the management and implementation teams of projects financed under the Local Development Program interested in participating in the training program are invited to complete and submit the following online application form (https://forms.gle/dmc21EH7absqp7o69) by no later than date of December 7, 2022 (inclusive).
In the selection of the 12 participants, FRDS will give priority to those candidates who:
- are involved in Roma empowerment activities carried out within projects financed by the Local Development Program
– are involved in projects (financed through the Local Development Program) that are not carried out in partnership with entities from the donor states (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and/or have not provided relevant bilateral activities in the project (in the field of Roma inclusion, human rights, anti-discrimination etc.) with these three states;
– are involved in projects (financed through the Local Development Program) that were not previously represented at other bilateral activities organized by FRDS;
- I am convinced by the motivation for attending the course - detailed in the registration form - that their participation will contribute to the empowerment of the members of the beneficiary Roma communities of the projects financed by FRDS through the Program;
– they have not previously participated or had a reduced participation in training courses on the theme of empowering minority groups, inclusion, diversity, human rights, anti-discrimination, etc.;
- have a very good level of knowledge of the English language (the course will be held in English, without translation into Romanian).
Candidates will attach to the online registration form proof that they work within a project financed by the Local Development Program or are involved in ensuring the sustainability of the activities with the beneficiaries, carried out through the project (if it has been completed), respectively:
- a work/collaboration contract signed by the candidate with the Project Promoter or, as the case may be, with one of the respective project partners or
- a recommendation signed by the manager of the respective project or by the legal representative of the entity that ensures the sustainability of the financed project, in which he attests to the fact that the respective person is, at the time of submitting the application, either involved in the implementation of the project, mentioning the position he occupies in the project and of the activities they carry out in this capacity, or ensure the sustainability of the activities with Roma beneficiaries, implemented through the project.
In the context of the limited number of places, if necessary, if there are several applications from the same project, only the application with the highest score will be selected.
We also specify the fact that a person who previously participated in any other bilateral activity organized by FRDS, will no longer be selected to participate in a second bilateral activity.
The result of the evaluation of the applications submitted for participation in this event will be communicated personally, by e-mail, to each individual candidate.
All eligible costs related to participation in the event (transport costs, accommodation, meals, training, etc.) will be covered by the Local Development Program.
We make it clear that those who sign up for the event must meet all applicable travel conditions - in Romania and Norway - during the respective period, guaranteeing participation in the training program, during the indicated period, in order not to generate ineligible costs for FRDS (for example, the cost of nominal plane tickets, which must be booked and paid for by FRDS in advance, respectively measures to recover them, if necessary).
For more details, those interested can contact Mrs. Valentina Paraschiv, at the phone number 0723.633.871 or at the e-mail addresses VParaschiv@frds.ro and info@frds.ro.
Info source: FRDS link
Thank you, I would like to participate in the training program focused on the issue of empowering minority groups.
The contact details of the responsible person can be found in the text of the announcement. Please contact that person.
Thank you!
PNCR team