Round Table Europe and the Roma - "Evaluation of the effectiveness of the policies aimed at the inclusion of the Roma. European and national perspectives"
On October 11, 2023, at the initiative of the President of the Commission for European Affairs, Mr. Vasile Dîncu and the Vice-President of the Commission for European Affairs, Mr. Cristian Ghica (also President of the Subcommittee for Roma), the National Contact Point for Roma participated in the Round Table Europe and the Roma –
"Evaluation of the effectiveness of policies aimed at the inclusion of Roma.
European and national perspectives"
The debate had as its point of reference the European document focused on the evaluation of the national strategic frameworks for the Roma respectively, the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Evaluation report on the national strategic frameworks for the Roma of the Member States, COM (2023) 7 final.
Mrs. Cecilia Văduva, Deputy General Secretary, coordinator of the National Contact Point for Roma - Ministry of Investments and European Projects had an intervention in the framework of the presentation of the monitoring and implementation stage of the Romanian Government's Strategy for the inclusion of Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority for the period 2022-2027, HG.560/2022 but also about the ongoing projects within the PNCR.