Povești de viață ale evreilor și romilor din Constanța într-o expoziție realizată cu ajutorul elevilor din oraș

Life stories of Jews and Roma from Constanța in an exhibition made with the help of students from the city

The National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania "Elie Wiesel" and the Freedom House Romania Foundation invite you September 30, from 11.00, at the Museum of National History and Archaeology from Constanța, let us remember and understand the tragedy of the Jews and Roma from Constanța county, through words and images.

1,700 Jews from Constanța, persecuted since the time of the National Legionary State, and later, with Romania's entry into the war in June 1941, evacuated from the city and interned in the Cobadin camp. A month later they were moved to the villages of Osmancea, Mereni and Ciobănița.

Only at the end of November were they allowed to return to Constanța, where they found their houses looted and bombed. They endured lack of food, medicine, were drafted three times a day, called to the police station periodically and did compulsory labor until August 1944. Just because they were Jewish.

The Roma from the county were also considered the same, deported to Transnistria, where they had to face diseases, hunger, and cold. Just because they were Roma.

Access to the event is free, and registration is done by filling out the form here: https://shorturl.at/clsyY


News source – https://www.presshub.ro/holocaustul-din-constanta-in-benzi-desenate-povesti-de-viata-ale-evreilor-si-romilor-din-intr-o-expozitie-realizata-cu-ajutorul-elevilor-din-oras-288711/


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