MLDPA Report on Informal Settlements
The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration is implementing, in partnership with the Ministry of Investments and European Projects and with the technical support of the World Bank, a project on the phenomenon of informal settlements, financed through the Technical Support Instrument (IST – DG REFORM).
In June 2022, the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDLPA) published the first report on informal settlements (available at the following link: https://www.mdlpa.ro/pages/habitat), based on the data collected according to the Minister's Order of public works, development and administration no. 3494/27.07.2020 for the amendment and completion of the Methodological Norms for the application of Law no. 350/2001 on territorial development and urban planning.
The report presents the first synthesis of data on informal settlements, collected by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDLPA) with the support of local and county public administrations. All 41 counties and the municipality of Bucharest (sectors 2 and 3) sent the centralized information to the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration. The collected data formed the basis of the substantiation of the measures promoted by the National Housing Strategy for the period 2022-2050 and the interventions implemented by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - Component 10 "Local fund"