The Role of the Media in Combating Anti-Roma Attitudes
On May 19, 2022, between 10:30 and 12:30, the event "The Role of the Media in Combating Anti-Roma Attitudes" will take place. The event is organized by the Council of Europe and the Roma and Travelers Team, the Roma Non-Discrimination and Coordination Unit of the European Commission, the Directorate General for Justice and Consumers. The event will take place in the context of the framework established by the European Parliament and the European Commission for the Week dedicated to the Roma, 2022. The language in which the discussions will take place will be English with interpretation in Romanian.
To register for the event go to https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/81e4159d-d166-2890-31b6-936f6df19011
Event connection link https://broadcaster.interactio.eu/join/314y-6tc3-76w5
In case you are having trouble and can't log in, the event can be watched by following the link https://romaniweek.eu/watch-live/
The information was provided by the Council of Europe team and disseminated by the National Contact Point for Roma within the Ministry of Investments and European Projects.