Regional thematic workshops
The Ministry of European Funds, through the National Contact Point for Roma, organizes on:
- July 22, 2020 in Bucharest, the first thematic workshop related to the region Bucharest-Ilfov.
- July 23, 2020 in Târgovişte, the first thematic workshop related to the region South-Muntenia
The workshops are organized within the project "National platform of good practices for Roma" co-financed by the European Commission - Directorate General Justice and Consumers through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program 2014-2020 (grant JUST/2015/RDIS/AG/NRP2/8727) .
The workshops aim to:
- disseminating information regarding effective models for approaching the four sectoral areas contained in the Romanian Government Strategy for the inclusion of Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority;
- initiating discussions and exchanges of experiences and good practices that will underpin future policies and programs in the field of social inclusion of Roma people;
- assigning tasks to the participants aimed at designing, substantiating and promoting case studies that will serve to substantiate the strategic framework for the post-2020 period. In this sense, the workshop facilitators will present a series of intervention models to the participants in the four fields of action of the Romanian Government Strategy for the inclusion of Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority.
Hello World!
Thank you! We are waiting for you on the new version of the platform available on the page http://www.pncr.fonduri-ue.ro
The new Strategy requires a double approach: ethnic and monitoring the respect of human rights in the context of the existence of a law to prevent and combat racism directed against the Roma.
Public policies focused on communities and vulnerable people are in the job description of all relevant ministries and institutions. The Roma need ethnic representation and not vulnerability, these being the problems of the rule of law. We could only warn/sanction slippages in the manner of respecting equal opportunities in the addressability of public policies.
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